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Shop Girl Welcome

Family life conjures up many happy thoughts; picnics, popcorn nights, holidays, long summers and lots of laughter. For the most part it is a magic time, but lets face it, parenthood is also a messy, chaotic and time consuming adventure, More often than not, style seems to get tossed out the window along with our skinny jeans, regular hair appointments and eight hours of consecutive sleep!

Here at Shop Girl, we get it, which why we source family-oriented products that focus on practicality and are designed for style. And the best part?

You don't need a celebrity budget to join our community of happy customers.

Recently, we thought it was time we dived into the blogoshere to keep you, our customers, informed about what is happening here in Shop Girl world.

We love and believe in our products and we want to ensure that you do too.

How do we plan on doing this, you might ask? A lovely Test-Mum, Shannon, has recently partnered with us to trial and review our many fabulous products (Shannon is a volunteer and will not be paid for her contributions) In addition, we invite you to add your comments and join our discussions.

Thank you for your loyalty and welcome to the Shop Girl blog... over to Shannon

Hi Shop Girl fans,

I am the besotted Mum of a super-energetic 2 1/2 year old known as "Little Princess". As a matter of fact, such is her obsession with pink and dresses, I'm sure she would love to be formally known as "Little Princess". However, as regular non-celebrity folk, we can't get away with an off-the-wall name and actually, I'm pretty certain someone would report me to the authorities.

We are very pleased to be joining the Shop Girl team and look forward to sharing our impressions with you here as we test these beautiful products. We hope this blog will inspire you to be confident when purchasing from Shop Girl ( and we also, kinda hope, to entertain you too)

We look forward to sharing our journey with you.

Shannon and Little Princess xxx




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